Fortbyte #5 - Accessible by using the Laid Back Shuffle Emote inside a dance club

Wednesday, July 10th, 2019

At Battle Pass Tier 95, you'll be awarded the Laid Back Shuffle Emote. That's what you'll need in order to get this Fortbyte. If you're not at 95 yet, no Fortbyte for you!

Once you've acquired the emote, you'll want to swing on over to the local discotech at grid coordinate E9 and do some dancing.

As you can see, I'm not quite to Tier 95. When I went inside the building all I saw was a hologram of the Fortbyte that said, "Locked". If I was able to do the emote, it would have unlocked for me. Hopefully, you're further along in your Battle Pass than I am! 😬

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